Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"I think most religions are stupid, I prefer the religion of BSG!"

"I think most religions are stupid, I prefer the religion of BSG (Battlestar Galactica)!"
Where can I begin with this gem of a quote. Now, I'm highlighting this mostly because the guy who said it is an ass. He likes the new Indy movie and thought it was phenomenal. He is the proto-typical nerd. He was in the national guard, and thinks he knows martial arts, and thinks he's a bad ass. I mean, it's the freakin NATIONAL GUARD! This man is the emphasis about everything I hate about nerd culture. It's guys like him that keep the Sci-Fi channel working, and he probably watches every Sci-Fi picture of the week and thinks they're cinematic masterpieces.
Let's get down to the quote, first of all, it references Battlestar Galactica (or Battleship Galaxy as a friend of mine puts it, thanks Jeff)! Now, I actually have seen Battlestar Galactica, and I watch it if I don't have anything else better to do. That said, it's not the most phenomenal TV show ever. In Nerd culture though, this is like the holy grail.
Second, it's a religion based off TV show, and to tell you the truth, it's no different than Christianity. So, for him to mock organized Christianity, and to make that comment is more assine than a school created for mimes.
Overall, it's this weird nerd worshipping of certain Sci-Fi shit that is just over the top. I'm one of the first to admit that I will watch some Sci-Fi, but mix in some Sportscenter, some documentaries from legitimate sources, maybe even a good dramatic movie or two.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Welcome to the madness...

For those of you who don't know, this is a page dedicated to all the weird shit that goes on at my work. Basically, I work with nerds, and the nerd is whiley creature. For instance, this is an exact conversation that occurs at my work, and it is not atypical...

Nerd A: Well, I just dotted up everything and killed it.
Nerd B: I'm the guy who invited his cyborg, but I like a Paladin.
Nerd A: Paladin is okay, but you don't get the dots...
Nerd B: But, I like the variety.
Nerd A: Well, I just hit 5, 6, 7, and everything is dead.
Nerd B: Dots should really be 1, 2, 3, 4.
Suffice to say, I'm part nerd and this wanted to make my head explode. Then, there was this rather heated argument, which was really dumb because of the subject matter.
Nerd A: No, (Random PDA Phone) does not use CDMA. CDMA is just a type of connection. All phones, on (Network X) are that type of phone.
Nerd B: But, I read somewhere where they said that the (random PDA phone) was available on all carriers, but it doesn't use CDMA.
Nerd A: Well, that's not possible, a CDMA phone will not work on the network unless it's CDMA.
Now, to explain something, actually nerd A was really correct in the situation. However, Nerds have a huge flaw in that they believe everything they read. Sometimes, the tech talk is so involved that they think they understand a situation when they really don't. Power to the nerds, and god bless them in all their social and normal idiocy.